Elevated Water Storage Tanks

As of 1/10/25: The Authority presently has three elevated water storage tanks in service: one each along Corkery Lane, Herbert Boulevard and behind the Knights of Columbus site.  The Authority plans to repaint all three elevated water storage tanks.  All tanks will be painted the same color.  Additional on-site facilities improvements are planned at the … Read more

Sanitary Sewer Main Rehabilitation

As of 1/10/25: The Authority is planning for sewer main rehabilitation using cured in-place pipe (CIPP), which is a process for trenchless rehabilitation and restoration of existing pipe.  It is often utilized in preference to replacement of existing pipe, because it drastically reduces overall disturbance and costs compared to reconstruction.  The objective is to eliminate … Read more

Water Distribution System Upgrades

As of 1/10/25: The water distribution system should be connected into loops, so that the supply of water may be conveyed to the consumer from more than one direction.  Looping of the water system minimizes the likelihood of consumers being without water in the event of a water main break.  The Authority has instituted a … Read more

Lead Service Line Replacement

As of 1/10/25: The State of New Jersey enacted legislation requiring the replacement of all lead service lines by July 2031.  The law describes a service line as being from the water main to the building.  The definition of a lead service line includes galvanized pipe service lines, on the basis that galvanizing materials are … Read more

Forest Hills Pump Station

As of 1/10/25: Funding sources are being pursued for the replacement of the Forest Hills Pump Station.  The existing pump station has been in service for over 50 years and is an older style wet well – dry well station.  

Water Main Replacement

As of 1/10/25: The Authority has implemented a capital improvement program that will span both short-term and long-term projects.  The improvements will include the replacement of old cast iron and transite water mains, which are more prone to breakages than mains constructed with modern pipe materials.  In addition, the Authority will work to improve the … Read more

New Well

Seeking increased allocation through the NJDEP to install new well in Monroe Township to accommodate increased demand for water.

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