Purchasing Department
Purchasing Information
Small Purchases
Small purchases are obtained individually by the Authority through a Request for Quotation (RFQ). Electronic, fax, written or telephone quotations may be used. Vendors are strongly encouraged to provide immediate responses to an RFQ since the period of time is short and purchases are usually made promptly. The Authority can solicit a quote from 2 or more vendors, use a state contract vendor or purchase through cooperative. For purchases over $6,600.00, a minimum of two (2) quotes shall be solicited, if possible. A “Business Registration Certificate” (BRC) would not be necessary. However, if the aggregate to the vendor totals over the $6,600.00 threshold, a BRC is necessary.
As a vendor, you will receive prior authorization through either a purchase order or a direct purchase order. Under no circumstances can a vendor provide the goods or services without one of these authorizations.
What is a Business Registration Certificate (BRC)?
Businesses planning to contract with any public agency in New Jersey, including state agencies, local governments, colleges/universities and local school boards as well as with casino licensees will be required to provide a “Business Registration Certificate” as proof of registration as per N.J.S.A. 40A:11-23.2. For more information regarding Business Registration Certificate, please visit: http://www.state.nj.us/njbusiness/registration/
Invitation To Bid
This is a formal competitive bidding process used for large purchases or construction projects. All Bid Specs will be advertised on our website. The bids are opened publicly at a specific time and place designated in the advertisement. The contract is awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid conforms in all criteria required in the bid specifications. All bid results are posted to our web page under “Bid Results”. A Business Registration Certificate is required at the time of the start of the project.
Bid Opening
Formal Bids/RFP’s/RFQ’s will be opened by the Executive Director or Qualified Purchasing Agent at the designated time and place stated in the Notice to Bidders legal advertisement and indicated in the proposal. Each vendor’s representative may attend the bid opening if so desired. Request for Quotation’s do not have a public opening. All formal proposals may be sent prior to the designated opening to the Main Street Office located at 372 South Main Street, Williamstown, NJ 08094 or be presented at the table at the time of the bid opening.
The Authority will evaluate bids and make awards for supplies, materials, services and equipment on the basis of the “lowest responsive and responsible bid.” The appropriate contract and purchase order will be issued to the vendor through the Purchasing Agent. Required documents must be received by the Purchasing Department prior to the start of the contract.
Late Bids/Proposals
Any bid/proposal submitted after the date and time designated in the proposal will not be accepted.
Purchase Orders & Contracts
Purchase Orders are issued by the Authority’s Qualified Purchasing Agent. A voucher will be sent to the vendor for signature and must accompany each invoice and/or certified payroll for payment.
Cancellation of a Purchase order
Delivery and Inspection
Deliveries must be made in compliance with the instructions indicated on the Purchase Order/Contract.
Unauthorized Substitutions
Product substitutions shall not be made by any contractor or supplier without prior approval or the receiving department or Purchasing Agent. Substitutions must be equal quality and at or below the quoted price. The Purchasing Agent will make the final decision.
Pay To Play (P2P)
New Jersey Pay to Play threshold for all contracts is $17,500.00 per N.J.S.A. 19:44A-204 et seq. aggregates per for all vendors. Proper paperwork must be completed prior to issuance of the purchase order and/or contract.