Water Main Replacement

As of 1/10/25: The Authority has implemented a capital improvement program that will span both short-term and long-term projects.  The improvements will include the replacement of old cast iron and transite water mains, which are more prone to breakages than mains constructed with modern pipe materials.  In addition, the Authority will work to improve the overall water system layout by eliminating dead-end water mains.  The water main sizes will be increased on an as-needed basis to improve water pressures and water flow volume capabilities throughout the distribution system.  Authority personnel have completed several water main replacement projects and plan on at least two such projects each year.

Design plans are presently being prepared for a water main replacement project along Sicklerville Road (County Route 536 Spur) between the Black Horse Pike and Radix Road.  This project is to be completed in advance of a road resurfacing project scheduled by Gloucester County in mid-2025.  The existing water main is a 6-inch transite pipe that will be replaced with 12-inch ductile iron pipe.

Completed Water Main Replacements:

The Monroe MUA recently replaced 1300’ of water main on Kirk Rd. New 6” C900 PVC pipe replaced the old 6” transite pipe. New 1” copper services were installed from the main to the curb line. New 1” curb stops were installed along with new curb boxes. The MUA installed this main with our new wet tap machine which insured no interruptions throughout the connection for the new main. A new hydrant was also installed on the block and all concrete and asphalt restoration is complete.  


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