Bid Opening
Bid Opening and Award
Bid Opening
Formal Bids/RFP’s/RFQ’s will be opened by the Executive Director or Qualified Purchasing Agent at the designated time and place stated in the Notice to Bidders legal advertisement and indicated in the proposal. Each vendor’s representative may attend the bid opening if so desired. Request for Quotation’s do not have a public opening. All formal proposals may be sent prior to the designated opening to the Main Street Office located at 372 South Main Street, Williamstown, NJ 08094 or be presented at the table at the time of the bid opening.
The Authority will evaluate bids and make awards for supplies, materials, services and equipment on the basis of the “lowest responsive and responsible bid.” The appropriate contract and purchase order will be issued to the vendor through the Purchasing Agent. Required documents must be received by the Purchasing Department prior to the start of the contract.
Late Bid/proposals
Any bid/proposal submitted after the date and time designated in the proposal will not be accepted.